At the forthcoming AGM on Saturday 29th August the following posts will become vacant; Vice President, Secretary, Minute Secretary, Waterpolo Convenor & Media Liaison Officer.
To ensure that the District can continue to operate and be affiliated to SASA for all disciplines it is essential that these posts are filled at the AGM.
Please find below a brief outline of the duties involved in each post.
Vice President
To stand in for the Chairperson in his or her absence [see list below]
Support the Chairperson by working closely with him/her and accepting any delegated tasks that are assigned from the list below
Take responsibility for managing the Committees and the affairs of the district
Chair committee meetings so that everyone has a chance to present their views, that all business is completed and that all decisions are properly understood and recorded
Oversee and guide all decisions taken by the Committee and sub committees
In conjunction with the secretary, prepare and present the Annual Report
Liaise with the Secretary on the agenda for each meeting
Be completely familiar with the constitution, district rules, committee procedures and the National Governing Body rules and regulations
Liaise with the Treasurer to ensure that funds are spent properly and in the best interests of the district
Represent the district at local, regional and national level
Follow and promote the SASA Child Protection policy
Organise Midland District delegates’ meetings, Executive meetings and AGM
Provide a Secretary’s report for Midland District meetings
Collate and issue minutes and agenda to all Midland District Clubs, Committee Conveners and Life members.
Ensure distribution of club annual affiliation paperwork and fees.
Complete returns annually to Scottish Swimming as per templates received.
Represent the Midland District on Scottish Swimming forums when required
Provide advice and support to all Midland District Committees and Clubs as and when required
Check Club Governance Documents against the Model Constitution annually
In absence of a Minute Secretary – to take minutes and prepare for circulation.
Minute Secretary
Attend each Midland District Delegates meeting, the AGM, and any Special (EGM) meetings as required
Record the business of the meeting and collate into a report.
Forward report of each meeting to District Secretary within 14 days of the meeting.
Waterpolo Convenor (This role may be shared between 2 people)
To identify and nominate suitable individuals to form a Water Polo Committee to the Midland District AGM.
To lead the Midland District Water Polo Committee in the organisation and administration of any Water Polo events within Midland District.
Attend Midland District Delegates Meetings
Report quarterly on Water Polo business
Liaison with other Water Polo Clubs/sections in District
Represent Midlands District at Scottish Water Polo Committee (when required)
Media Liaison Officer
To promote the District and its Clubs within the local communities and surrounding areas.
To be the single point of contact within Midland District for all issues dealing with the media and publicity.
Maintain/control the various District media streams
To build a list of media contacts.
To collate and send the media all relevant information regarding aquatic events held within the District or on those with representation from the District.
To provide press releases in all forms dependant on the media in use.
To attend/contribute to appropriate District meetings and events,
To record and retain all articles, interviews and recordings that refer to Midland District and its Clubs within the media.
Mange the Districts social media platforms
Full training will be provided for each role, for further information on any of the posts or for any queries please contact vp.midlandsasa@outlook.com